Welcome whale rider please swim with me
Be in my ocean and become the sea
Follow my tail and find the ancestors in me
It is in my song and my promise to thee
Gracious love for me can be easily found
Your love for yourself lies beneath my sound
See through the shadows and out it will come
Ancestral love that is second to none
My breath, my bubble, my breach or my swim
First feel, then forgive and start over again
When doubts or worries come to the surface
The splash of my tale will support your life purpose
Inner guidance and patience without the fear
Deepens your love as the confusion is cleared
Be brave, be bold and let go of the lie
Swim close to me now and look into my eye
Show love and devotion there is nothing to hide
Just connect with your self then swim by my side
Everything is possible when you simply believe
Stay utterly vulnerable as you let yourself grieve
Trust yourself and your process then follow my tail
Just remember dear one you are also a whale
The tail right in front look beyond with your eyes
Allow the tears to come as my song also cries
Be divinely present then let go of the past
Embrace your bright future so that true love will last
Be playful, have fun and try something new
Now lets dive deeper, I love that you grew
Go deep with me and then deep inside
Watch the magic happen and be my whale ride
Inspired by Elisabeth 2017
Veröffentlicht von: Elisabeth Renner in Poem