Wow, the Breach 


Aloha, my name is Benjamin, I am 23 years old and I was able to spend my last day in Hawaii with Jeffory in a kayak with the Humpback whales. It was very spontaneous and surprising how we made contact with each other, but it was meant to be and the timing was perfect.

We set off at 6 a.m. and paddled out in the kayaks. It was still a bit chilly but when the sun came up, we had a great sunrise and it quickly got warmer. The atmosphere on the ocean was very pleasant and calm and I became more and more curious. Then Jeffory sent a few nice words out into the world and gave thanks for being able to experience this day together.  

Within the hour, several whales were in sight. Every time, as soon as you went into the water you could hear the whale songs. I had to get used to the fact that the whales were so big because until then, I had only swam with dolphins. But after being in the water a few times, I was comfortable and felt relaxed. 

Jeffory has a very good connection with the whales and knew exactly when the right moment was to go into the water. And he always said 'Follow your intuition'. So I was able to be very free and enjoy the time.

The whales were all around us and you could feel the power they had when they jumped and breathed. At one point, the mother and baby Humpbacks swam right under our kayaks and a few moments later the huge whale escort jumped completely out of the water only 30 meters away. “Wow, the Breach” was a very BIG surprise!

At first I had encounters where I only saw the whales very faintly and far away and then I sent a wish to the mother whale that it would be nice to meet her and her baby more closely. It was fascinating, time had already passed and the wind was getting stronger. And suddenly, the mother whale appeared to my right and for a few seconds, I was frightened because it was so unexpected and her breath was so loud. 

Jeffory said, 'Go, go now' and I went into the water and saw the baby in front of me and the mother behind her. Then I dived down as well as I could and swam along for a bit. In these moments it felt like time had stood still and I was so grateful that they had come by me again. 

I was surprised that I didn't really know what to say when I was there on The Big Island. Then when I got home and listened to the songs and watched the recordings, it really activated something in me that touched me deeply. “These beings radiate pure love and I find it fascinating to be able to communicate with them.” I am so grateful for this day with the whales and to have experienced the very special energy in Hawaii.

Benjamin, Germany
February 2024


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