I promise to remember my commitment to really care for nature. We (humanity) must also remember this promise as it is our birthright, our responsibility and our ethical obligation to proactively take care of nature with comprehensive and thoughtful conservancy.
I promise to show by example that I can interact with nature in an appreciative way. We (humanity) ought to collectively show that we are capable and willing in a civil, gracious and humble way to interact and more importantly have the mindset of being in a collaboration with nature.
I promise to remember that it is a privilege to be in contact and feel the omnipresence of nature. We (humanity) also must remember this privilege. And remind ourselves daily to make an effort to experience the connective-ness and actualize our contact in an auspicious way to this omniscient presence of nature.
I promise that I will prioritize and make every attempt to honor my nature connection and the soulful wisdom that it freely gives me. We (humanity) need to make it our highest priority to honor and cherish these infinite givens from nature. These are deeply profound natural offerings that are not duplicatable by any man or woman, country or government and business or corporation.
I promise to respect the purity of nature and its’ exquisite gifts… like whispering to a whale, swimming with a dolphin, listening to an owl, playing in the snow, smelling a flower, reaching into the earth and feeling the infinite sensations that nature offers. We (humanity) can then recognize the purity of these many gifts that nature has given us and collectively respect, honor and revere the beauty and biodiversity of nature at all times.
I promise to always make the love of nature my most important personal contribution to the mother of earth and remember that this is the only relevant offering that nature has been patiently waiting for. And we (humanity) can indeed demonstrate our love, devotion and allegiance to nature without reservations or conditions.
I promise to silently remind myself that the devoutness to nature is also a devotion to my own natural state of well being-ness. We (humanity) must willfully see the buddha nature in each other, the good and the divine, especially when it comes to the disenfranchised… the poor, the homeless, the elderly, the sick, the helpless, the weak, and the hopeless. Only then can we together with nature put an end to the chaotic suffering, maddening and disheartening here on earth. And into the foreseeable future… I believe we all can ultimately be one with nature.
I promise. We (humanity) also promises!
Veröffentlicht von: Elisabeth Renner in Hawaiian Chants