"The Wonder of Now" 


Susanne, Austria

Before I even met Elisabeth and Jeffory in person, I felt that I could trust them. This feeling was confirmed once I arrived at their seminar in Hawaii, as I was soon able to let myself go and begin to embrace everything that the Big Island had to offer me. And even now, if I ask myself what Hawaii had in store for me, I would find it quite difficult to express it in words.

How can one describe, just with words, the emotions you feel when swimming in the Pacific Ocean and encountering whales? What words can adequately describe the sensations of swimming alongside dolphins and moving all around with them?

What do you say when asked how does it feel to see millions of stars in a sky that’s completely dark… a deep black Hawaiian night?

After weeks of reflection since my return home, I can honestly say that I’m still unable to put it all into words. The encounters with nature, with the animals found in nature, and with myself also in nature… there was simply something special that happened on a very deep level. You feel it intensely in that very moment and know that it will have an ever-lasting effect on you even though it’s hard to describe.


It's like when you stand before a brightly lit Christmas tree as a child and feel that magic, thinking only of that beautiful glowing moment. There is no yesterday, no tomorrow, no worries, no problems. “There is only the wonder of now.”

Thanks to Elisabeth and Jeffory, I was able to experience that child-like feeling again and rediscover my connection with space and time. So, although I can't really describe the individual Hawaiian experiences and impactful moments in words, I can definitely say that the seminar in Hawaii gave me a gift… the opportunity to find something that I had forgotten I had lost.

Susanne, Austria
February 2024

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